Maintaining our Sanity and remaining Positive during the unraveling of this Matrix

Staying positive, focused and balanced has been a real challenge for many of us.
The hardest part, for me anyway, is to not go numb. I caught myself doing this and had to make a concentrated effort to correct my behavior. Some days, before I even get out of bed, I have all kinds of great ideas and positive plans to share, but I all too often make the mindless mistake of getting my morning coffee and scrolling through the news. This is wrong, wrong, WRONG, And a BIG mistake! You can lose your entire momentum this way, and I have many times. The first step through this is awareness. Be aware of your focus and what you wish to achieve for the day despite the unnerving meltdown happening all around us.

Stay focused. Stay true to your path. Speak your truth while you can, it may help others.

Coffee, if you must, but don’t engage on social media until you are ready to, “ready to” meaning having gotten that blog, update, or message sent out. Having accomplished one major thing for the day can really set a positive mindset / outlook for the day. This has been a big lesson and hard one for me, as I have done this very thing for many years, I call it the “coffee slump.”

Here are some positive change ups I am working on incorporating into my routine to become more productive and efficient.

1. Write out and share your positive affirmations for the day, week, whatever.

In clear case studies, it has been proven that writing early in the morning, soon after awakening is a good healthy habit to get into, some call it “Blogging.” We tend to be sharper in the morning with a new perspective on ideas, as well as our creative focus. Social media oftentimes can nearly all but deteriorate that positive energy if it is not allowed to flourish. I call this the “social media drain,” and it’s WAY too easy to fall into.

2. Get your blood flowing before engaging with electronics or on social media.

This is crucial!  Do some light stretching, yoga, sun meditation / salutation, or a little walk in Nature. Try to give yourself, at the very least, an hour of still time, thoughtful time, writing time, whatever. However you best expand upon those positive thoughts going forward. In other words, don’t let them get eaten up by social media, news, etc. It can be a real drain and we don’t even realize it.

3. Eliminate the doom and gloomers from your feed.

Yes, we all know how bad it is right now and how bad things are getting, the thing we need to remember and what is so very crucial in all of this is that WE are the ones that are here to turn that around, we must never forget this. Feeling depressed or low energy? Turn it off, don’t post. Like the old saying goes, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Considering the situation we are in (being experimented on and exterminated) this can become quite challenging. Take a break if you must, but we must do our best to remain positive and continue to uplift others. Joining the doom and gloomers will get us nowhere. Unfollow and adjust your feed to happy affirmations, reminders, and positive and uplifting things. I am not saying avoid reality, just don’t let it suck you in and drain you. We are the masters of our own realities, how we choose to perceive and receive it is up to us.

4. Give yourself a challenge.

Our growth depends on change, and changes take place through challenges. Make it fun, rewarding, but make sure you do it. Studies have found if we do a new thing 3 days in a row we are more likely to keep up on that routine. If we miss a day or drop it, don’t be discouraged, pick it back up right where you left off and proceed forward. We are constantly improving and evolving, so we must learn to embrace it, challenges and all! How exciting is it when you finally reach that goal and can feel good about your accomplishment? It feels amazing, right? This is a win, win rewarding system!! Not only are you incorporating new habits into your routine, which is the first layer of rewards, you are rewarding your courageous self to try something new which is a reward in your evolution! When we seek out ways to embrace our true higher selves, we are allowing our full potential to shine through. Once we become aware of the positive changes taking place, our attitude and balance of it really begins to level out.

5. Nothing is more exciting than setting a goal and achieving it.

Give yourself short and long term goals. For example, here are mine:

Short term Goals: Today I will update my Patreon page, and write and thank my Patrons for their continued support during my absence from the site for a few months. There have been some rather large changes online as well as in my personal life. Glad to finally be getting back on track

Today I will commit to checking in at least once a month with my monthly newsletter, news of what I am doing and where you can find me on social media, as well as my progress on my published works.

Today I will commit to writing a weekly blog, report, update, survey, review or report on my WordPress.

Today I will commit to making at least one video per week, and eventually work my way up to 3 videos per week, byt the New Year.

Long Term Goals: By the end of November I will have all of my poetry published on All

I will continue to consistently work towards my goals until I reach the patronage level of $200 a month and can start doing the Detox from the Matrix series, unraveling the programming, while balancing and embracing our conscious evolution into our true higher selves.

I am excited to be moving forward and to be working toward these exciting positive changes. I will continue to update regularly, and look forward to your feedback and collaboration.

I am available by appointment for personal counsel and or mentorship coaching sessions. Please feel free to reach out to me if you are interested. I am taking this on as a case by case basis and will not put a price tag on this. I believe in barter and trade so I am open and looking for a few good helpers to expand our outreach and help as many as we can. With an “each one teach one” approach, I feel we can move mountains together, so Let’s DO This!

Much Love and Many Blessings to you all. Thank You and have a lovely holiday season and happy fall of the cabal!

❤ ~ Rose Moon Advocacy

Published by Rose Moon

Writer, Truth Advocate, Mentor, Coach, Keyboard Warrior

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